Market Background

At present, the NFTs market has reached a very large extent. Both trading volume and total market cap are already comparable to some mainstream Fungible tokens. It can be seen that the proportion of NFTs enthusiasts among blockchain users is not small, and their enthusiasm for buying and selling NFTs is also very intense.

But at the same time, paradoxically there are alsoare also some pain points. A lot of NFTs only have collectability but didn’t really have intrinsic value or utility. Because NFTs holders can only sell them to get potential benefits. NFTs rental, however, will effectively increase the utility and value of NFTs, because NFTs holders can receive a long-term share from the borrower, therefore empower those collective NFTs. For example, if the price of a BAYC is 100 ETH, then the only value of it is to sell for 100 ETH, but nothing else. However, with NFTs rental, BAYC holders can receive a constant lending shares without actually selling it.

And there are different methods of integrations for NFTs rentals in the market.

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