Guild asset management

Guilds usually buy a large number of in-game NFTs, and allocate them to scholars for minting tokens and share profits with scholars. Often, it is necessary for guilds to adjust the allocation of NFTs to scholars according to the minting efficiency. In addition, ERC721 does not feature the separation of the usage-right from ownership. Hence, many Gamefi projects separate account services, that is, adopting a dual-account system, in which each wallet address is bound to an account on the centralized server. Players use the centralized accounts, and the game server read the NFTs of associated wallet addresses. Guild rental can be indirectly realized through the dual-account system. However, this model has limitations. On the one hand, all game logic must be implemented on the centralized account system. If any logic can be interacted with via a wallet address, a bug may appear; on the other hand, guild operators need to change the binding between accounts and wallet addresses, which consumes a lot of time and lowers NFTs utility.

With Rentero Protocol, game developers have no need to develop a dual-account system for cooperation with guilds, and through the rental function, profits can be calculated based on the actual NFT users. Besides, guilds can allocate NFTs according to the rental protocol, which lowers the entry threshold and elevates NFTs utility.

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